... Nigerian Problems!



A youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30
years regardless of the gender. Unfortunately, the youth are
the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future
of any given society. This is because all other age groups, the
kids, teenagers, middle aged and the senior citizens rely on
the youth and expect a lot from them. This makes the youth
to be an important age group in both today's society and the
future society than other age groups.Therefore, due to the high
dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a role
to play because the future of our families, communities and
the country lies in our hands.but UNFORTUENATELY we the Nigerian youth  we are always sleeping in the way that we have nothing to do to our country.
amazing problem of Nigeria is the youths’ total
dependency towards little monies shared to them in place
of a long time corrosive governance.
Nigeria’s population is estimated at over 150 million people
which the youth constitutes 80 per cent of its population.
Any country on earth mostly depends on its youths for its
successful portfolio. The youths are the frontline citizens of
a territory, they are preferably referred to as the spinal cord
(backbone) of the country and they are those that can
decide on the wellbeing and wrong-being of the country, the
country’s rise and fall depend on the strength of the youths.Nigeria youths are people of wonderful heritage and culture,
Nigeria has produced handsome, beautiful, strong, healthy
and charming vibrant youths with good home training and
It is around over applause credit, but most and I mean 90
per cent are totally deviating from that for monetary
purchases, and that have given the wise leaders the ability
to manipulate and preprogramme the youths. it’s isn’t their
overall fault per se because of the situation of the nation,
Nigeria youths have been studied and understood by their
leaders (who donot want the progress of our country include outsiders)for their various vulnerability and that gave our
leaders the magnificent power to rule over us as wanted.
Nigeria youths are affected by money drunkenness,
desperation, insincerity
The listed effects above have statistically caused harm to
the youth race and therefore the effects are used as a tool
against the youths.
Money Drunkenness
The factor has caused a serious problem in the society
which has caused the downfall of the country. Nigerian
youths have been handcuffed by the leaders in the sense
that they have to come seek for their assistance even before
taking their breakfast. In what essence?
In this 21st century, money is so much needed in anything
you are to do as a person, in the sense that you can’t move
a kilometer without including funds.
The leaders understood that and therefore seized the
youth’s assess to wealth. In Nigeria currently, we have o billion dollars in our foreign reserve, which when
converted to our currency is trillion of naira, that
Each state in Nigeria has its own exclusive yearly budget to
sufficiently serve it states, aside that, billions of naira were
released to each state in Nigeria as their Paris Club Fund
recoveries but still with all these;
The masses pockets are empty.
The state government workers salaries are very low and
stagnant, most workers are still not paid for solemnly
serving the state for months over their little-expected
The electricity is still as the same as it used to be for past
decades, very poorly instable.
Lack of water on households even when we are surrounded
by dams etc.
All these are done to cripple and handcuff the masses to
have total control of them.
They know the youths weakness and therefore used it
against them to have total say.
Since wealth is being hidden from the masses, the youths
have to come kneeling down to get their audience in
supporting each and everyone of them just to have suger in
their cup of coffee. With this, they are being worshipped in
return for money and not for love.
Its a very sad thing that this is yet controllable. Children/
Teenagers are not sent nowadays without expecting their
own cuts, parents do not trust their kids anymore as they
feel they are going to be cheated or hit by their offsprings,
because it has caused mental and psychological illness in
the society.
This have given the forum for the leaders to have 100 per
cent control over the society entirely.
A lot, so much youths want to be billionaires overnight
without working as return and these makes them venturers
of mini-thefts, massive robbery threats, internet scams,
kidnappings etc. They want to be wealthy so as to follow the
footsteps of the leaders in having full control of the society.
The leaders are aware of these but slumber on it because
they feel it’s the best option to have full control over the
masses. They raise their hands above with wealth to
unreachable heights and wants the masses to keep jumping
and aspiring on collecting the wealth when they already
know its impossible, this brings about their false promises
to the desperate youths and causes them to hooliganism
and political touts.
It is made to understand that even if you peel off the skin of
a hungry poultry, he will still follow you tirelessly just to
have the little grains you have at hand, that is the same
ideology used to drive Nigeria youths. It’s high time the
youths faced the reality and stopped aspiring for
impossibilities. Togetherness with truthfulness is only what
will improve our states. The people you are looking up to
also suffered to make it better for themselves and their
existing families.
Youths value not relationships and have embraced cheat
and deception as their livelihood which is known for the
characters of the devil. A country or setup can never grow
when insincerity is put forward, this also goes to the leaders
who deceive their followers for their fake promises and
unnecessary wickedness, we know you do that to get your
powers and for your political interests but you need to
understand that you must not do that to be in power,
working for your people and believing in yourselves will be
the only way to save yourself from bad Godfatherism, when
you have the total support from your people via your good
works and sincerity, you shall set your own empire and
legacy with love and protection, you will have those that can
voluntarily die on behalf of you.
A lot are losing their respective lives and talents out there
just because of you, make it a trial by sincerely giving them
what they want and see the end result. You shall overrule to
your satisfaction and even beyond.
Nigeria will be great if only we stand to make it great, I
know we can do it, I know we can stand for ourselves
because we are courageous, I know we can be good to each
other as we are from one womb for cry-out-loud.
We have a lot of outstanding youths that are best for the
jobs but all are been castaway all in the name of politics
and power.

Nigeria can be the best when best formulas are applied, it
could be the all-mighty-formula, it could be the addition-
subtraction formula, etc.
So Arise O Compatriots.Nigeria need collective affroach,so youth always  think what you will do for the benefits of your societies .every body now know that nigeria need to be better and youth  you are to secrifice for the salvation of our country

#Youth  arise
#No to bad leaders
#No to oppression
#No to injustice
#Nigeria will be better as per as we work for it.


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